
Who Cannot Enter into a Contract of Sale

April 18, 2022 By Admin

As a professional, I am here to shed light on the topic of “who cannot enter into a contract of sale.” The term “contract of sale” refers to a legal agreement between two parties where one party agrees to sell goods or services to the other party in exchange for payment. While most people are free to enter into such contracts, there are some who are not. Below is a list of individuals who cannot enter into a contract of sale.

1. Minors: Minors, or individuals under the age of 18, are not legally allowed to enter into a contract of sale. Any contract they enter into is considered voidable and can be repudiated by the minor.

2. Insane persons: Persons who are of unsound mind, whether due to mental illness or intoxication, are not considered legally competent to enter into a contract of sale.

3. Persons disqualified by law: There are certain individuals who are disqualified by law from entering into a contract of sale. For example, a person who has been declared bankrupt or has been convicted of a crime may be prohibited from entering into a contract of sale.

4. Agents without authority: Agents who do not have the authority to enter into a contract of sale on behalf of their principal may not be able to legally bind their principal to the terms of the contract.

5. Corporations without capacity: Corporations that do not have the legal capacity to enter into a contract of sale may find themselves unable to enforce or be bound by a contract they have entered into.

In conclusion, it is important to note that not everyone is legally allowed to enter into a contract of sale. As a professional, I hope that this article has shed some light on this topic and has provided useful information for anyone looking to enter into a contract of sale.